Eaton Vance Management boosted its stake in shares of Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc (NASDAQ:AY – Get Rating) by 2.1% during the third quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 34,950 shares of the utilities provider’s stock after purchasing an […]
Deutsche Bank AG reduced its position in Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc (NASDAQ:AY – Get Rating) by 0.4% in the 2nd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 852,681 shares of the utilities provider’s stock after selling 3,443 shares during the period. Deutsche Bank AG’s […]
Wall Street brokerages forecast that Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc (NASDAQ:AY – Get Rating) will post $351.24 million in sales for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks reports. Three analysts have issued estimates for Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure’s earnings. The lowest sales estimate is $329.74 million and the highest is $375.80 million. Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure posted sales of […]
Wall Street brokerages forecast that Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc (NASDAQ:AY – Get Rating) will announce $0.36 earnings per share (EPS) for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Three analysts have made estimates for Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure’s earnings, with estimates ranging from $0.22 to $0.60. Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure posted earnings of $0.11 per share during the […]
Shares of Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc (NASDAQ:AY – Get Rating) have been assigned an average rating of “Hold” from the twelve ratings firms that are currently covering the firm, MarketBeat reports. Nine equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and three have given a buy recommendation to the company. The average […]