Better in every asset class so that your Bitcoin story today will keep watching it as long as you keep asking. Have a great. Fright carefully when you get home to like we do simple procedure. Make sure you have your children that night all. Thanks for joining us for another edition of investors edge on the Biz Talk Radio Network if you missed any of today s show or to get in touch with Gary Caldwell please go to Gary cage aka That s Gary k. Dot com to reach Gary called Mom at his office called one triple 84225559 that s one triple 84225559. The opinions you hear on biz talk radio are those of the host callers and yes and do not necessarily reflect those of this station Biz Talk Radio its management or advertisers the information on biz talk radio does not constitute a recommendation fall for or solicitation to buy or sell any product or securities please consult a professional before investing if you have any questions about Biz Talk radio contact us at 817-274-1609 or at Biz Talk Rad