Taking forward the battle with Narcotics Control Bureau s Mumbai Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede, Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik in Tuesday shared purported WhatsApp chats between a drug peddler and the officer s sister, Yasmeen Wankhede.Malik .
Taking forward the battle with Narcotics Control Bureau s Mumbai Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede, Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik in Tuesday shared purported WhatsApp chats between a drug peddler and the officer s sister, Yasmeen Wankhede.
"Whether Aryan took drugs or not is something for the court to decide. But the court not granting him bail clearly shows that the NCB has evidence against Aryan Khan," Ramdas Athawale said.
Nawab Malik releases Sameer Wankhede's 'Nikah Nama', says not about religion but 'fraudulent' means - Malik claimed that the wedding was performed on a 'meher' amount was Rs 33,000. He also shared a photo of Wankhede with his first wife Sabana Qureshi.