B. Riley initiated coverage on shares of Rocky Brands (NASDAQ:RCKY – Get Rating) in a research note released on Thursday, The Fly reports. The brokerage issued a neutral rating and a $28.00 price objective on the textile maker’s stock. B. Riley also issued estimates for Rocky Brands’ Q1 2023 earnings at ($0.03) EPS, Q2 2023 […]
taking down businesses, police precincts, and there was all kinds of chaos and an narcky, and now all of a sudden when the polls come out and they say, gee, we were never in favor of defund the police, when they denigrated, took the budget, money out of the police budget. look, police officers in new york city have lost qualified immunity. the police have lost a billion dollars in budgets in new york city. they have they don t have any of the police power that they used to have. they re not bothering in the anticrime unit, the street crime unit, to go in and stop, question and frisk. i mean, under terry versus ohio, which the united states supreme court said is allowed and justified. they re not even doing it. you know why? because if they touch a defendant or suspect in the wrong mace, they ll lose their jobs, they ll get sued, they ll lose their house. it s a joke. this is all due to the democrats defund the police. i don t know any republicans in favor of it. but now they re going
Rocky Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ:RCKY – Get Rating) declared a quarterly dividend on Monday, May 16th, Zacks reports. Investors of record on Wednesday, June 1st will be paid a dividend of 0.155 per share by the textile maker on Wednesday, June 15th. This represents a $0.62 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.67%. […]
Shares of Rocky Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ:RCKY – Get Rating) have been given an average recommendation of “Buy” by the six analysts that are covering the firm, MarketBeat.com reports. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and two have given a buy rating to the company. The average 1 year price […]
Rocky Brands (NASDAQ:RCKY – Get Rating) was upgraded by Zacks Investment Research from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note issued to investors on Saturday, Zacks.com reports. The firm presently has a $42.00 target price on the textile maker’s stock. Zacks Investment Research‘s price target would indicate a potential upside of […]