By Narayani Ganesh Intriguing, revealing, embarrassing, shocking – whichever word best suits your reaction to the following news story, it indicates something totally unexpected. The story is that researchers tried to find out which noise.
Narayani Ganesh The Sanskrit word ‘sanatan’ means eternal, everlasting, unshakeable, ancient. And the word ‘dharma’ refers to a code of proper conduct conforming to one’s duty and nature. Sanatan dharma is not linked directly to.
by Narayani Ganesh When a former colleague spoke of a certain Swami Beyondananda, I laughed it off. But I discovered with the help of an internet search engine that Swami Beyondananda was indeed a real.
– By Narayani Ganesh We are in the Shravan season, when Hindus and other believers propitiate Shiva, who is also known as Chandrachud, because a crescent moon adorns his matted locks, as crowning glory. Shiva.
by Narayani Ganesh As part of the Hindu trinity – Shiv, Vishnu and Brahma – Shiv is said to represent the universe that is nothing but energy, Shakti. This aspect is brought out by Sulabha.