With their villages under two panchayats in both Maharashtra’s Chandrapur and Telangana’s Adilabad, each resident has two voter IDs, Aadhaar cards etc., even as both district administration decide to counsel them not to indulge in ‘unlawful’ dual voting
Scheduled maintenance work on the 132 KV Kandi-Peddapur feeder on February 22 will lead to water supply disruptions in certain areas of Hyderabad. Residents should prepare for partial interruptions, with some areas facing complete disruption. The affected areas include Sheikpet reserve, Borabanda reserve, Lingampa reserve, and others. Residents are advised to make necessary arrangements during the maintenance period.
HYDERABAD: Normal life would be affected partially on Friday when several national organisations called for Bharat Bandh. While the Samyuktha Kisan Morcha has called for a day-long Grameen Bharat.