Rent-A-Towel, a Dubai based company providing end-to-end linen management solutions, said that Dr. Linen, its eco-friendly range of products, can help achieve the carbon neutrality goals set by Dubai Tourism s Sustainability Board.
Hotels must comply with sustainability requirements by July 1, says DST
Dubai strongly encourages hotels to comply with the 19 sustainability requirements.
Supplied photo
Narayanan Raghavan, CEO at Dr. Linen and Rent-A-Towel.
The requirements will improve and unify Dubai hotels’ environmental practices and enhance the competitiveness of the city’s tourism-linked economy.
A directive from Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism) mandates that all hotels comply with the sustainability requirements for hotel establishments by July 1, 2021, as set by Dubai Sustainable Tourism (DST), an initiative to further enhance Dubai’s position as one of the world’s leading sustainable tourism destinations.
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April 2021
From L-R - Avinash Mane & Narayanan Raghavan Rent-A-Towel, a Dubai-based linen rental concept for the hospitality industry, has announced the launch of Dr. Linen, its premium, eco-friendly, unfavourable for bacterial growth, and comfort-driven, range of bed & bath linen. The Dr. Linen range has been developed to specifically address the needs of the hospitality industry, as it reopens for business in the new normal, with a focus on balancing hygiene, comfort, durability, and ROI, while minimising impact on the environment. Developed using TENCEL branded fibers, which are manufactured sustainably using an award winning closed loop production process, and are unfavourable for bacterial growth, the Dr. Linen range increases product durability over repeated use - while retaining a natural resistance to bacteria, unlike a standard chemical coating-based protection.