Hitting back at Congress for its choice of words against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP national general secretary CT Ravi on Saturday said only the corrupt and anti-nationals see the PM as Bhasmasura, but for the people of the country Modi is Lord Narayana.
Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (CID) sleuths are grilling TDP leader and Ex- Minister P Narayana at his residence in Hyderabad in connection with alleged irregularities in the capital city master plan and change of Inner Ring Road (IRR) alignment.
AMARAVATI: The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Wednesday directed the state CID to question former minister and TDP leader P Narayana at his home in Hyderabad between 11 am and 1 pm and again from 2 pm to 5 pm. A single-judge bench headed by Justice Raghunandan Rao hearing the petition related to the irregularities in the alignment of the inner ring road of the capital city