Tokyo : Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was on Friday confirmed dead after he was shot at during a campaign speech in Nara City, western Japan, local media reported citing officials. Officials say former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has been confirmed dead. He was reportedly shot during a speech on Friday in the city of Nara, near Kyoto,” Japanese media outlet NHK tweeted on its official Twitter handle. Liberal Democratic Party sources also confirmed the same, Kyoto news […]
Japan sformerprimeministerShinzoAbehasbeentakentohospitalbleedingaftercollapsingwhiledeliveringaspeechinthecityofNarainwesternJapan,publicbroadcasterNHKisreporting.
Japan's former prime minister Shinzo Abe is in a "grave condition" after being shot while delivering a speech in the city of Nara, the current Prime Minister says.