i started hormones when i was 14, but my mother saw my boobs and she became angry and i stopped my treatment. if nearly country, being transgender means extreme marginalization. and in some, it s considered a crime punishable by imprisonment or even death. in napal they don t think we are normal people, they think we re like aliens. [ speaking foreign language ] i was a victim of physical bullying but i am one of the lucky ones because my parents they were very supportive of me. my family was always there to
i m on you like that. i know what s going on, pal. 50, 50 bucks. 50 bucks. 50 bucks. we re bidding your watch off. is that me? what the [ bleep ] is on my face? th going to get edited. pike was at maricopa fighting a variety of methamphetamine-related charges. including burglary. i can t believe people tune into this bull [ bleep ]. when i get out and go to get a job it says please explain your criminal history, well i m going to have to back a truck in or see attachment a because of all my charges now. pike says all his charges stem from one bad relationship. my relationship with meth has been ongoing since i was 12. i ve had a little bit of break time when i get incarcerated, so it s the only time i clean up. since i ve been 12 years old, i m now 28, i ve been using meth. i shoot with a needle, i use a syringe. extremist. i assumed because meth has
fill out your grievance paperwork. get it to the staff by the end of the day. i ll make sure it winds up on captain davie s desk. all right? okay. i think she ll settle down. she ll get everything she is supposed to have. she has rights to legal phone calls. those will be gin to her. she can submit a grievance or apal of her sanction to captain davies, which is what i instructed her to do. explain to him why she felt the sanctions were unfair. she ll be given her due process in that way. i m telling you, shontera, no sitting here screaming and yelling at the door because that s all you re doing. you re screaming and yelling at the door. you re wasting a lot of energy for nothing and you re going to get yourself in more trouble. in the men s medium security unit, it s chow time, and one of the new inmates, enrique cruz,
i love that. this is this is the five. are you going to make it into the show. you know what i think, bob. i think you should lose the skirt and join me. what a tough guy. i m that dumb. what kind of a dog is it? a a what? a we have found james bond. diamonds are forever. what are you saying? security isn t letting you in. eric bowling you made it in. what happened to you? what happened. i bribed them. twitter, spotify, air bnb, grinder, apal, i don t know about that. [laughing]
i see you out of my peripheral, i m on you like that. i know what s going on, pal. 50, 50 bucks. 50 bucks. 50 bucks. we re bidding your watch off. is that me? what the [ bleep ] is on my face? that s going to get edited. pike was at maricopa fighting a variety of methamphetamine-related charges. including burglary. i can t believe people tune into this bull [ bleep ]. when i get out and go to get a job it says please explain your criminal history, well i m going to have to back a truck in or see attachment a because of all my charges now. pike says all his charges stem from one bad relationship. my relationship with meth has been ongoing since i was 12. i ve had a little bit of break time when i get incarcerated, so it s the only time i clean up. since i ve been 12 years old, i m now 28, i ve been using meth. i shoot with a needle, i use a