we knew this day was coming. that s why we bought a subaru. the throw. toss in time and giants have won the series. there it is. next stop philadelphia. giants are heading to the national league championship series for the first time in 8 years. good evening everyone. they clinched it tonight with a win in atlanta. it was xaiting. real upset for the braves who won the best home record in baseball and certainly a legion of loyal fans of course most giant fans couldn t be there in person so crowded places like the bring tanya arms in downtown san jose to celebrate the game. more sell pwraitd brighting at home. there s coyote tower lit up in orange to honor the home team. make has more on the win in georgia. the band wagon is filling up. quit a 4 game series. every game a 1 run victory for both teams and luckily the jints got the last win. g men silence the chop in atlanta. madson balm garther for a rookie in the fifth. omar swinging one of the 5 k. but ross changes