We have a quorum. Next item is president s announcement. Welcome to the Building Inspection Commission for december 18, 2019. Happy holidays. I am Vice President filling in for president mccarthy who is away dealing with a family matter. I spoke to him this morning, and as i will get to later, this is the last meeting for many of us, and he has some he asked me to pass along greetings, and i will when i get to that matter. I would like to thank the Department Staff who have been and still are attending the California Building officials Training Classes this week. Every year our Staff Members almost all of them are required to take classes and be up to speed on current code and issues in the building industry, and our staff attends these trainings at least once a year to refresh and enhance Technical Skills to continue to provide excellent customer service. Everyone in the city benefits from these continuing education opportunities. Our opportunities that we on this commission enthusias
Second, please . Second. Aye. [laughter] all right. Good morning, everyone. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to december 12th, 2019 meeting. I am the chair of the committee. To my right is Catherine Stefani , to my left a supervisor shamann walton. Our clerk is john carroll. I want to think sentences who government tv for staffing the meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Ensure his silence your cell phones and other electronic devices. Speaker cards that can be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk items acted upon today will appear on the january 7th, 2020 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise super stated thank you. Number one is a hearing to consider the transfer of a type 20 off sale beer and wine liquor license. Great. Lets have our al you come up. Good morning, members of the board. Board. Before you we have a piece for the india sue brett. This would allow them to sell off sale beer and wine. They are on plot 518 which is loca
Happy holidays. I am Vice President filling in for president mccarthy who is away dealing with a family matter. I spoke to him this morning, and as i will get to later, this is the last meeting for many of us, and he has some he asked me to pass along greetings, and i will when i get to that matter. I would like to thank the Department Staff who have been and still are attending the California Building officials Training Classes this week. Every year our Staff Members almost all of them are required to take classes and be up to speed on current code and issues in the building industry, and our staff attends these trainings at least once a year to refresh and enhance Technical Skills to continue to provide excellent customer service. Everyone in the city benefits from these continuing education opportunities. Our opportunities that we on this commission enthusiastically support and encourage. It is important to stay up to speed because so many changes happen on a daily basis here in thi
Except, perhaps, for phil. So as these events started 23 years ago at the height of the aids epidemic, when a small group of friends gathered in the newly established grove to celebrate still being alive in the face of a very uncertain future. As well as to remember those already lost to the plague, these folks got together to do this by dancing together with vibrant silk flags such as these and i just wanted to show you these. They look like this, made of silk, and hand tie tiedyed. For smrkwe believe those who wee lost trafficking so young would want to be remembered for their vibrant lives. Our events are always free and typically wellattended by regulars, for whom we feel we provide an uplifting experience in these times of growing isolation in our society. To spanned beyond our established core crowd, we very happy to be embraced. For the most part, we do our own thing, and most of society is not aware of what we do. So were very happy to ar arrange a special event that day to rep
Im pleased to announce the reserve of 2 30i6 million for the arts impact endowment. Voter aproved proposition e last november with 75 approval, which restores the hotel tax nexus to arts and culture funding in San Francisco. Thank you so much for all of your support. In the measure, it included 9 million approximately new funding for arts and culture, including a new arts impact endowment to be jointly administered between grants for the arts. And i have my colleagues here, matthew guedeau and jason blackwell. The arts impact endowment required a fiveyear allocation plan which is a Needs Assessment based similar to the childrens Needs Assessment. In the winter and spring of 2019 we engaged over 3500 residents of San Francisco as well as visitors and had various input into what the new arts impact endowment should support. Here you see some of the statistics in terms of who we engaged across the city through focus groups, citywide survey and a citywide town hall at the veterans building