Two municipalities in Hokkaido that have applied for hosting the final deposal site for high-level radioactive waste have received mostly clean bills of health in the first survey and can move on to the next stage.
Tsushima Mayor Naoki Hitakatsu announced on Sept. 27 thatthe Nagasaki Prefecture city will not accept a reference material-basedpreliminary survey for the construction of a final disposal facility fornuclear waste, going against the local assembly's initial adoption of apetition calling for the survey's approval. The Japanese government must accept the reality that the search for a…
27 Sept 23, The mayor of Tsushima in southwestern Japan said Wednesday he has decidedagainst applying to the state for a preliminary survey to gauge the islandcity's suitability to host an underground disposal site for highlyradioactive waste from nuclear power generation. The decision comes incontrast with the local assembly's approval earlier this month of…
The mayor of Tsushima in southwestern Japan says he has decided against applying for a preliminary survey to gauge the city's suitability to host an underground disposal site for highly radioactive waste.