Without sperm, where would any of us be? The tiny swimmers are a vital part of the reproductive process. The milky fluid that helps them travel around is
Newport Daily News
NEWPORT Frankie Underwood was in line early Thursday morning to get the initial dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the first vaccination clinic held at Rogers High School.
“I came to get vaccinated because my mom really wanted me to do it and my grandfather, who is a doctor, said, ‘Just get it done,’ ” she said. “And why wouldn’t you get the shot? Many of my friends either had COVID or had to go into quarantine because they were close to someone who had it.
“Once we’re vaccinated, we won’t have to wear masks when we’re outside as long as we are spaced from each other,” Underwood, a member of the junior class, added. “I want to see if it impacts the requirement to wear masks in the classroom. I’m sure we’ll have to wear them until the end of the school year in June, but I’m hoping by the fall we won’t have to.”