14:00, Jul 02 2021
Graham Bennett, Disrupt, 2021, 33 machine-shaped wooden axes, pine and native timbers. Photograph by Johannes van Kan. Collection of the Canterbury Museum.
In July’s listing of the best exhibitions in Canterbury,
Warren Feeney recommends Graham Bennett’s
AXIS + AXES as a must-see treasure, discovers that a catastrophe is more than an act of nature or God’s choosing, and that after a ten-year absence, senior painter and printmaker Stanley Palmer has returned to exhibit at the Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora.
1. Graham Bennett,
AXIS + AXES, Canterbury Museum, Rolleston Ave:
AXIS + AXES is a survey exhibition of sculptor/printmaker Graham Bennett’s arts practice, revealing unseen studio works completed and in progress. With Bennett’s access to the Museum’s Pacific collection and its influence on his work, the exhibition also features ceremonial paddles, clubs and adzes, their presence persuasive and confronting, heightening awareness of