The Delhi High Court recently dismissed a plea for transfer of matters pending before the Family Judge, Patiala House Courts to another court of competent jurisdiction, observing that apprehension.
Get drenched in a myriad shades of love this Valentine's Day with some soul-stirring and heart-warming stories. Watch Zee Theatre's 'Aaj Rang Hai', 'Love', 'The Relationship Agreement' and 'Panchi Aise Aate Hain' which portray the tenderness and complexity of human connections and add some superhit romantic films to this delightful menu as well. Aaj Rang Hai 'Aaj Rang
From Aeschylus to Shakespeare to the story-tellers of today, there exists an unbroken continuum of stories that help us to not just escape this world but also see its realities. On World Theatre Day, Zee Theatre celebrates this very legacy of theatre as a storyteller, and a chronicler of social, cultural, political and spiritual truths, with a spread of incisive, insightful