Speaking virtually at the just concluded UN's 60th session of the Commission on Social Development side event, Working Women’s Forum President Dr. Nandin
Speaking virtually at the just concluded UN's 60th session of the Commission on Social Development side event, Working Women’s Forum President Dr. Nandin
Speaking recently in the high-level discussion held by Niti Aayog on the Omnicron driven surge in Covid cases, ICNW president Dr Nandini Azad underscored the importance
Speaking recently in the high-level discussion held by Niti Aayog on the Omnicron driven surge in Covid cases, ICNW president Dr Nandini Azad underscored the importance
#post excerptInternational Raiffeisen Union President Franky Depickere has expressed solidarity with the women cooperators on their loss of livelihoods in recent floods in South India.