Behind The Black Door is a stellar cast with some legendary actors and actresses, some well-known faces, and some newcomers. The performances are spellbinding, emotional, provocative and will seduce you into a world you cannot imagine.
The Maltaaba Peasant Women Farmers’ Cooperative at Yakoti, a farming community in the Nabdam District, Upper East Region, is set to receive training on sustainable agricultural practices and production of organic compost. The training would empower them to become trainer of trainers for the community to adopt best agronomic practices…
First published in the Daily Maverick 168 weekly newspaper.
It’s the first Friday evening since President Cyril Ramaphosa relaxed the ban on the sale of alcohol and the staff at the Tshepong Hospital in North West are bracing themselves for a busy time.
Already, there are a few people waiting to be attended to.
A woman is heard screaming in pain as a doctor attends to her in a cubicle. A porter wheels a man into the X-ray department. In the resuscitation room a man lies lifeless on a stretcher bed. He had jumped off a bridge earlier that day.