SOAP LAKE More research is underway, but when it’s done Soap Lake residents will get a chance to register their opinions on updated development regulations along the lake shoreline.
SOAP LAKE It’s going to be a bumpy ride in and through Soap Lake this summer, literally and figuratively. City streets are scheduled for extensive repairs and new crosswalk lights, and a major project is scheduled for state Route 17, just north of the city limits.
EPHRATA Providing water and sewer services to a city laid out like a reverse saddle is challenging, but the city of Ephrata is working to improve the associated infrastructure, which is aging and needs adjustments to meet the needs of the county seat.
“You know, 90% of this stuff is due to aging treatment plants,” said Nancy Wetch, a project engineer with Gray & Osborne, Inc., a Yakima-based firm helping the city with fresh water and sewer systems upgrades. “There are some issues with capacity, but for the most part, it’s because your plant is 25 years old. Nothing is getting younger and nothing is getting newer. That’s why we’re doing this upgrade.” .
MATTAWA A Mattawa city well that had stopped working will be put back in service. Mattawa City Council members voted unanimously Thursday to award a contract of about $185,000 to Empire Well Drilling, Wenatchee, to start working on rehabilitation of the well located in Hund Memorial Park.
“The bad news is, you got one bid. The good news is, it was pretty close to what we thought the project was going to cost,” said Steven Wagner of Gray & Osborne, the consulting engineers for the project.