they knew they were looking for a body and they opened the door and they look inside, and they immediately recognize the body. you just looked down and you saw white coverings. and underneath those coverings? what nancy had been bound with an extension cord. she had multiple plastic bags over her head that had been bound and secured tightly. and then another large one of the tear-resistant darker colored bags in her body as well. with it all over her body. they clearly saw that the killer had gone through a lot of trouble to hide what he or she had done. but there was no hiding now. when the crime scene personnel started taking a look they flip the mattress and found blood on the bottom part of the mattress. so it was clear, nancy was killed on the bed drag to the
there and she really, she really pissed them off. and. a. she made threats to them about owing money. so time for investigators to visit the motel. and meet them. coming up! i said, i haven t done anything wrong. did nancy admit that she had said, i d like to killer? she made some statements that certainly could be consistent with that. for a motel room, to interrogation room. investigators were fishing. you did this man. you did it. what would they catch? when dateline continues! when dateline continues! hey, did i tell you i bought our car from carvana? yeah, ma. it was so easy. i found the perfect car under budget too! and i get seven days to love it or my money back.
when i open that door. that order was so overwhelming. it hit me in the face. and i looked down and, i could see the shape. a shape hidden under a pile of blankets and covers. but with one glimpse, kathy just knew, she said. it was nancy. hard to get that image out of your mind? it is. stuck there? it is. kathy fled the house, got into her car, called 9-1-1. oh my god! no! it s pretty desolate up there. so i jumped in a car and i thought, i will just drive up the hill. get to the police. her hysterics made it very hard for the dispatcher to comprehend exactly what was going on. can you get near your friend?
accurately at all. some people collect famous people as friends. and it s important to them to be able to talk about them. definitely not her. no? she had a lot of famous friends. she had a lot of friends who are not favors. she treated everyone the same way. she had a very genuine connection with people. she didn t have the entitlements that made us little rich kid. she had the entitlement that every day of life was precious. and should be live to the fullest. nancy was a traveling philanthropist. a devoted environmentalist. she had a daughter too, julianna. born when nancy was 29. and sometimes she took genie on the way with her when she traveled. but sometimes she didn t. nancy had a lot of very close friends and people who loved julianna, and we all raised the children together. but usual? certainly. but. she just truly deeply love julianna and did feel that this
very same neighborhood. right around that time. meeting with her therapist. so, next question. was kathy truly nancy s friend and helper? or her murder? trying to pin the blame on someone else? coming up! what did you see? the interrogation. probing questions. puzzling actions. i don t, i don t remember. grab the kleenex. oh yeah, for the tears? there was no tears during the time that she was trying to portray herself as crying. and perplexing memories. i saw her, the head. like i don t remember the position. but i knew her, the blond hair. when dateline continues! hen dateline continues but my body was telling a different story. i felt all people saw were my uncontrolled movements. some mental health meds can cause tardive dyskinesia,