the harsh truth is there is reverse mccarthyism going on in the entertainment industry. the evidence is there s nobody booked. because they don t want to it s two weeks away. they don t want to play for donald trump. bull. this is a republic. bull. you are not summoned to perform for the king or for the dictator. in some places if kim jong-un calls you to sing you better show up. celebrities refusing to participate in the trump inauguration is getting plenty of attention. joining me now, nancy jiles, a contributor for buz 60 minutes sunday morning. that s right. and randall pinkett, winning contestant on the apprentice which was hosted by one donald j. trump. i have added you to other shows. i love it. correct your check. i ll go to you first, nancy, on
at the very least, even if it turns out he doesn t believe anything he said he still ran his campaign on smut, basically, smack. right. and that don t play with the arts. indeed. and i have to ask you before we go, randall, there s been a to-do about talladega s marching band, a historically black college, their band was supposed to perform, a lot of alumni are not happy about it, it s in my social media feed. the president said the school hadn t decided. do you know whether they ll perform? the last report i got was that the talladega marching band will perform at the inauguration. there was a big debate amongst alumni and students, many on the side of saying the school should not perform because it would give the appearance of support of the president which is the big issue we re talking about and the last report i heard is they will perform. wow. interesting. we shall see. there won t be a lot of them. there are no d.c. bands. nancy jiles and randall pinkett, thank you b
booked. because they don t want to it s two weeks away. they don t want to play for donald trump. bull. this is a republic. bull. you are not summoned to perform for the king or for the dictator. in some places if kim jong-un calls you to sing you better show up. celebrities refusing to participate in the trump inauguration is getting plenty of attention. joining me now, nancy jiles, a contributor for buz 60 minutes sunday morning. that s right. and randall pinkett, winning contestant on the apprentice which was hosted by one donald j. trump. i have added you to other shows. i love it. correct your check. i ll go to you first, nancy, on this. it s a bitter schadenfreude the way he cannot pull celebrities but is there anything to this idea put forward, let s give him a break
information about trayvon martin and i couldn t understand what the big deal was. and for some reason, after i read that, i typed in, for some reason, it made me type in the words black on white crime. and that was it. ever since then. after the break, we ll discuss this with nancy jiles and yanearby alisyn der. she has interviewed white nationalists. that s next. and you re talking to youro doctor about your medication.
or explain away what he was doing, and i toltally agree wit yamiche to hear this slow talking, where you think maybe this guy is out of his mind. but when you go back and look at the fact that he sat through an entire service and then did what he did, and then, again, to repeat what you said, purposely left people alive so you ll tell the tale. this guy s pretty demonic. yeah, demonic and very, very confident of his racism all the way through. that he had no doubt about. nancy jiles and yamiche thank you. thank you. up next, we have more on that breaking news report that the cia has now concluded that russia intended specifically to help donald trump win the presidency. this one is from