The Ashfield Agricultural Commission plans on planting a pollinator garden this spring in honor of beloved late resident Nancy Garvin.“She was a real advocate for bees. She was a beekeeper and always looking out for pollinators,” said Barbara Miller,.
Oh, I am fascinated by origins.Recognizing the direct and personal link to layers of history and our forebears was what attached me to New Orleans moments after I landed on its terrain in 1981.When I arrived in Ashfield 25 years later, stories tying.
One year later: Residents are vaccinated, but life not yet back to normal at Nobles County s largest senior living facility
Life is what you make it, and for residents of The Meadows, 2020 was filled with days of doing what they loved. 5:00 am, Mar. 17, 2021 ×
Vona Mae Vihlen passed the time during the COVID-19 pandemic working on her family s genealogy inside her unit at The Meadows. She is shown here on Monday, March 15, 2021, with two books, one filled with a written history, and the other a pictorial history of her family. (Julie Buntjer / The Globe)
WORTHINGTON One year ago today, Nobles County’s largest senior living facility closed its doors to the public in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. It was an uncertain time, not only for staff, but for the more than 100 residents who call Ecumen Meadows home.
Ecumen Meadows, Golden Horizons residents vaccinated Tuesday. 5:00 am, Jan. 23, 2021 ×
Gladys Weibel bared her upper arm to accept her first dose of the Moderna vaccine Tuesday afternoon as she anticipates protection from the COVID-19 virus. (Special to The Globe)
WORTHINGTON More than 100 residents of Ecumen Meadows in Worthington received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday afternoon, and they were eager to celebrate the occasion.
Administrator Nancy Garvin said all but one of the facility’s residents opted to receive the vaccine, while staff members were divided into two teams. Half the staff received the vaccine on Tuesday and the other half will get their first dose in mid-February, when the first half receives their second dose.