P.T. Barnum, American showman who employed sensational forms of presentation and publicity to popularize such amusements as the public museum, the musical concert, and the three-ring circus. With James A. Bailey, he made the American circus a popular spectacle.
Derived from an instrument brought to America by enslaved Africans, the banjo experienced a surge of popularity during the New Woman movement of the late 1800s.
94% of Humana Medicare Advantage members are enrolled in plans rated 4 stars and above 61% of members are in plans rated 4.5 stars and above for 2024 Humana received a 5 out of 5-star rating for four contracts,
94% of Humana Medicare Advantage members are enrolled in plans rated 4 stars and above
61% of members are in plans rated 4.5 stars and above for 2024
Humana received a 5 out of 5-star rating.