Mohini Ekadashi 2024: On May 19, 2024, Hindus worldwide will observe Mohini Ekadashi, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Devotees fast, perform specific rituals, and chant mantras to seek blessings, believing it absolves sins. Key practices include Tulsi worship, deity bathing, and charitable acts. The fast ends on May 20, 2024, on Dwadashi Tithi. Mohini s avatar plays a crucial role in Hindu mythology.
Mantras & Chants News: Mohini Ekadashi on May 19, 2024, observed by Vishnu devotees with prayers, fasting, and chanting powerful Vishnu and Krishna Mantras to seek blessings
Festivals News: Choti Holi celebrates good over evil. Perform Holika Dahan during Pradosh Kaal. Offerings include diya, sweets, turmeric, roli. Remember Prahalad save
Jaya Ekadashi is a special day for Hindus dedicated to worshipping Lord Vishnu. Followers of Lord Vishnu, called Vaishnavas, observe a strict fast and offer prayers to him.