Desert Jewels’ captain Nanguloshi Kamutushi said they are ready to make the country proud at the World Cup qualifiers in Pretoria, South Africa from Sunday to 27 August.
Despite a few impediments here and there, sport ministry executive director Audrin Mathe has maintained that the intentions of the national sports reward policy remain well intact, but a few screws should, however, be tightened.
Maseru, Lesotho – Despite spending almost three days on the road because one of the two buses carrying Team Namibia to the Region 5 Games had a tyre problem, athletes are all brimming with confidence and relishing the opportunity of leaving a lasting mark at the regional youth games.
Team Namibia will later today leave for Maseru, Lesotho, where the African Union Sports Council (AUSC) Region 5 Games are scheduled for 3 to 12 December.