His face is so cute as the classic story of Billy Goats Gruff unfolds before his eyes. His facial expressions, as his mom reads the story, will make your face break out in a smile.
His face is so cute as the classic story of Billy Goats Gruff unfolds before his eyes. His facial expressions, as his mom reads the story, will make your face break out in a smile.
After asking the question on Facebook, What is the craziest names your kids have for everyday things?, we got some truly hilarious answers. Here are twelve of the funniest names Tristate kids came up with.
After asking the question on Facebook, What is the craziest names your kids have for everyday things?, we got some truly hilarious answers. Here are twelve of the funniest names Tristate kids came up with.
Although, 2 year old, Maren looks very fashionable, in her winter weather attire, you can tell, she would much rather be inside enjoying the snow than outside. Maren, I can totally relate.