Think about it in the Gospel of John there s how many chapters 21 right so when you read the 1st 2nd 3rd John you get 7 chapters right. When you read Revelation you ve got 22 chapters write all those chapters out of the gather make 50 chapters so 50 chapters that. Were used by the Lord are right now you have the book of John you have 1st 2nd 3rd John. Of Revelation so here 21 chapters and 7 chapters and 22 chapters. 50 chapters told but if you break those 3 segments down you find out in the Gospel of John it talks about. What to believe and then when you talk about the little books chapters it s on how to behave so how to believe how to behave and what to be whole so in the Book of Revelation the word behold is used $27.00 times now and the word believe or forms of it is found $98.00 times or about 9 years times in the Gospel of John and then you come to the. Second John 3rd John it s how a Christian is to be a believe be paved be whole and the Lord behold simply means to say Lo here
Savior Jesus has been increased I rejoice to when I learn from your programs that through the bible is going into more and more languages how wonderful you are in my daily prayers Well thanks so much Cynthia for those daily prayers and keep listening are these great letters I happily love hearing about how God s word is changing lives all over the world don t you well maybe like these listeners you too have a story that you can share want to write to us and tell us how God is using these studies in your life we d love to hear from you today our email address is Bible bus at t t v dot org or grab a pen and write to us a box 7100 Pasadena California 91109 or in Canada box 25325 London Ontario and 6 c 61 now let s prepare our hearts for the teaching that God has for us today bother guide us as we study your word we come with ready hearts asking that you would show us what we need to know we ask this in the name of your precious Son Jesus Christ amen here is through the Bible with Dr j. V
and also 1st John Chapter 2 verses 12 to 14 the passages that Pastor Chris read earlier. We re going to begin in Matthew for. Which is a very famous scene where Jesus faces Satan is a very powerful scene it s a message in and of itself and I m going to do my best to not say everything I d like to say so that we can get into the other past them using it as an introduction and some of you wonder why we always do this and here s why I ll say it again I m going to keep saying it because I want us to think this way I want us as Christians to think this way you always start with Jesus and then you go to wherever else you re going to go and whatever else you re going to think you have to start with Jesus you re a Christian you live inside the gospel so you start with Jesus and that doesn t mean you always have to open every Bible study that way I open a lot of the bible studies that way to kind of set the Tom but you have to be thinking in the gospel before you interpret any other passage o
Need a crutch in life because and what s happening now is that the world is moving farther and farther away from God And so there s down a whole generation in this country of people today that are so far from God that there s just no concept of asking God for help in life disallows we can have the privilege of hosting some Israelis and as I look at these Israelis that is friends dear friends and ask myself the question What can I do to help them how can I help them and I realize that one of the most valuable things I can do as we all stood around a booth a table there with the food has been prepared and I explained to them I said you know it s my practice to just to thank God for this food that you choose to dive into it like it s some sort of a routine but to explain I said I think God for the food some and this is a very awkward time and sometimes I actually make a joke out of it and say something like you know since I prepare this food Believe me you re going to need prayer for thi
We finally hooked up with you to hear from you yeah and I think here you guys how long I ve been tormenting you to call me. Play I know when he gets on a project I mean you might as well give in do it get it over with. What we have. Here I could take this time Wonderful can yours Ok Can Ok I need you to make sure you speak right in your telephone there now Ok that better Ok just bring our audience up to speed here Theresa is the are you Office Manager Yes I am Mother Superior pretty much Ok. For Dr j.d. Slade been married clinic and oh well Dr J s a very very special friend of ours a wonderful bit and walked in one day to the clinic there into rhesus son was there and I didn t know who your boy was but this very charming young man was there and he said I clean the Kims and but he said I have asthma I said Why do you have asthma and so that kind of kind of kicked off the conversation but how long did your boy had asthma before we came in and I think it has been going off and on for at