Hurricane season is weeks away.WJCL 22 has an inside look at the forecast now Share Updated: 11:58 AM EST Mar 1, 2021 WJCL hurricane season long range forecast SOURCE: WJCL 2021 hurricane season forecast
TRACKING THE COVID-19 VACCINE Share Updated: 11:58 AM EST Mar 1, 2021 The start of the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season is inching closer each day. Leading up to any hurricane season you will find a number of long range forecasts that provide a very general idea of how the season may play out. The WJCL 22 forecast takes the traditional hurricane outlook further by showing you important information you want to know. From potential hot spots along the U.S. coast to specific timeframes when tropical activity is possible. Let s start with some basic information. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. NOAA is currently discussing moving up the start of future hurricane seasons to May 15. This is a change that may occ