The show will also star Eisha Singh and Monalisa as the female leads. The show also stars popular TV stars Zain Imam and Shivangi Joshi in pivotal roles. |
The well-known faces of the entertainment industry Shalin Bhanot, Eisha Singh, and Monalisa have been roped in to play the lead roles in the new fantasy drama 'Bekaboo'. It also features Zain Imam and Shivangi Joshi in prominent roles. |
While talking about being part of the show, he Shalin Bhanot added Exploring the fantasy revenge drama genre is a first for me and I will be seen essaying the role of a rakshas, who is about to discover the secrets of his lineage. 📺 Bekaboo: Shalin Bhanot, Eisha Singh, Monalisa Board Zain Imam and Shivangi Joshi’s Colors Show.
The well-known faces of the entertainment industry Shalin Bhanot, Eisha Singh, and Monalisa have been roped in to play the lead roles in the new fantasy drama 'Bekaboo'. It also features Zain Imam and Shivangi Joshi in prominent roles.Shalin, .