“Beautiful Days” is a 2001 classic series loved by avid K-Drama viewers, and was even remade into an international show, starring Lee Byung Hun and Choi Ji Woo. Here’s where to see more of them this 2022.
#BeautifulDays #LeeByungHun #ChoiJiWoo #ShinMinAh
Jung So Min and Kim Ji Seok’s “Monthly Magazine Home” is a 2021 drama that brought healing and comfort to viewers. To see more of the stars, then keep on reading.
#MonthlyMagazineHome #JungSoMin #KimJiSeok #JungGunJoo
"Twenty Five, Twenty One" director is cooking for another series and Kim Tae Hee is the potential actress to headline the said project. Want to know more about their possible collaboration? Then read on.
Because of its bittersweet conclusion, fans are wondering whether a new season for “Twenty Five, Twenty One” is possible. Here’s what we know.
#TwentyFiveTwentyOne #KimTaeRi #NamJooHyuk #WJSN #Bona