The daily soap featured Nakuul Mehta, Surbhi Chandna, Kunal Jaisingh, Shrenu Parikh, Leenesh Mattoo and Mansi Srivastava in the leading roles. The show was extremely successful and in 2018, the show took a generation leap with a new season titled Ishqbaaaz: Pyaar Ki Ek Dhinchak Kahaani starring Nakuul Mehta and Niti Taylor. |
featured Nakuul Mehta, Surbhi Chandna, Kunal Jaisingh, Shrenu Parikh, Leenesh Mattoo and Mansi Srivastava in the leading roles. There seems to be a buzz that Khan will come up with a sequel of Ishqbaaaz with an all new cast. |
Directed by Christopher Nolan, the audience loved the movie and there were only words of appreciation for the film. People, through the word of mouth, recommended watching Oppenheimer and said that the film is not only massy but classy too. |
Surbhi Chandna is now married and made her first appearance with her husband Karan Sharma as they returned from Jaipur from their wedding festivities. Look how they hold hand as they walk at airport!