"GameStop has gotten a lot of attention," Kashkari said during a virtual town hall event on Monday. "If one group of speculators wants to have a battle of wills with another group of speculators over an individual stock, God bless them."
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Sputnik International
Securities now lifted include Tootise Roll, American Airlines, Starbucks, General Motors, Beyond Meat, Bed Bath & Beyond and Rolls Royce, among others.
According to the company s support page, investors will be limited to 10 shares and 10 options contracts of AMC, 700 shares and 700 options contracts of BlackBerry, 20 shares and 20 options contracts of Express Inc., 1 share and 5 options contacts of GameStop, 600 shares and 600 options contracts of Genius Brands International, 2 shares of Koss Corp., 600 shares of Naked Brands Group and 2,000 shares and 1000 options contracts of Nokia Corp.
Photo courtesy of Robinhood
The new restrictions, which are aggregate limits for each security and not per-order limits, include shares and options contracts that an investor already holds. These limits may be subject to change throughout the day.
Robinhood CEO denies conspiracy theory claims that hedge funds pressured him to halt GameStop trading and lock out Reddit traders as he insists he made right decision
Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev on Friday called claims that hedge funds prompted his company to halt trading on GameStop a conspiracy theory Our decision to temporarily restrict customers from buying certain securities had nothing to do with a market maker or a market participant, Tenev said
He claimed no one put pressure on the company or asked them to halt trading It was entirely about market dynamics and clearinghouse deposit requirements, as per regulation, he added