A lot of work to do particularly when it comes to absentee ballots as well so they will all have to be added so a warning to people watching across the world this election which has been as you see contentious it has been difficult it has been hard fought but it might not end in the next few hours it could be a couple of days before we get a final result so people should be weary of politicians declaring victory unless on either side the result is clear cut the polls suggest thats whats going to happen donald trump says in 2016 they said the exact same thing and they won and hes clinging on to that hope. At least 14 people have been arrested in austria after mondays shooting in vienna and the memorial was held for the 4 people who died another 22 were injured when a gunman opened fire in the city hall soon authorities are describing it as a terror attack. Police in ivory coast have clashed with supporters of former president and Opposition Leader only conan betty it happened as police
W. s crime fighters are back with africas most successful radio drama series continues in the all of us odes are available online. And of course, you can share and discuss on w. Africas facebook and other social media platforms, crime fighters to me, and now this week on world story. Beijing, joe biden causes a boom for a noodle bar. Berlin, bidding farewell to take the airport. But we start in finland at the capitals airport in helsinki. Dogs are helping to detect coronavirus and infected people. The dogs can accurately sniff out the virus as early as 5 days before. Symptoms appear. For a treat, preferably cathode, this snout can be programmed to find it just about anything more bed bugs, cancer. Now it could change the course of corona virus detection meat. Rescued from being euthanized as a puppy in spain. Hes returned that favor for years sniffing out deadly disease for the wise new smell Detection Association in billund. As coded 19 began to spread to see was asked as an experimen
A nice 3 people are stabbed to death in paris. The teach us time in a petty is decapitated for showing cartoons of the prophet mohammed in his classroom. President mccall wants to take vehement action against islamists and to forge a European Coalition against terror. France has been particularly hard hit exactly. 5 years ago on nov 13th, 130 people were killed in islamists attacks. The terrorists stormed the better cloth theatre in paris, and shot dead dozens of young people at a concert. France never really recovered from the shock. These 2 men will forever be united through the attack for many in france, and its particularly remarkable that they together are standing up now against hatred and for reconciliation. It inflicted a National Trauma on france, the attack on the buttocks 90 concert goers. Most of them young people were brutally killed in the heart of paris by a commando of islamist terrorists. One of the gunmen was 28 year old who was shot by police before blowing himself u
Happiness is for everyone. Schumann penises are very different from primates. You know, we have a totally ridiculous sized view of nature. See that this is climate change, crisis sex. How finance improves books. You get smarter for free. You know, when you books are new to this week on world storms. Beijing joe biden causes a boom for a noodle bar. Berlin, bidding farewell to take an airport. But we start in finland at the capitals airport in helsinki. Dogs are helping to detect corona virus infected people. The dogs can accurately snip out the virus as early as 5 days before symptoms appear. For a treat preferably cathode, this snout can be programmed to find it just about anything more. Bed bugs, cancer. Now it could change the course of corona virus detection meat rescued from being euthanized as a puppy in spain. Hes returned that favor for years sniffing out deadly disease for the wise new smell Detection Association and then learned as coded 19 began to spread to see was asked as
How do they deal with social justice . And what are working conditions like . We vis eight couries on tw contints to fi out how europe and asia work together,s in our series work places. A beacoof hope in t ocean, seaweed fm an hour outside e indonean capital jakarta. Acould this be e solution to ocean,global probls . Hour nory mulyo definitelthinks so. Shes carrying out research into how seaweed can keep the seas clean. Her home country is the worlds secondlargest plastic polluter after china. Indonesia processes more than 60 million tons of Plastic Waste every year. Over 3. 2 million tons of it end up in the ocean. The government has pledged to reduce this by 70 by 2025. Its an ambitious plan. Traditional Waste Disposal methods cant keep up. Thats why indonesia backs pioneering ideas like the one mulyono is proposing. She makes packaging out of seaweed. How can we solve it if we do not have something to replace this plastic . Of course we cannot go back to our motion to leave without