Josphat Thiong’o |
January 29th 2021 at 00:00:00 GMT +0300
A lorry transporting concrete stones is stopped by a county officer for collection of cess. [File, Courtesy]
All vehicles used to transport building materials in Nairobi may soon have to be registered under a Sacco or transportation firm to ensure efficient collection of cess.
The move is part of new proposals by Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), which seek to regulate the transportation of building materials business and foster efficient revenue collection in the capital.
KRA’s Deputy Commissioner at the County Revenue Division, Annastaciah Githuba, said the proposals were arrived at following engagements with stakeholders.
Building materials transporters to join Saccos in tax plan
Friday January 29 2021
Transporters of building materials in Nairobi will soon be required to join savings and credit cooperative societies(Saccos) or form joint companies as part of reforms to streamline collection of cess.
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), which is the principal tax collection agent for the county, said the current procedure for cess collection is not efficient and urged for its review.
Transporters of building materials in Nairobi will soon be required to join savings and credit cooperative societies(Saccos) or form joint companies as part of reforms to streamline collection of cess.