students at a cape cod high school are the latest victims of the war on yoga pants. yes, a revised dress code says spandex pants must be worn with shorts, a skirt or a dress. students think it is a form of body shaming. and on the first day of class, hundreds wore the stretchy pants in protest. and it is not just girls who want the rule revoked. pretty much the same in the middle east. women can t drive because it is distracting. i don t think we should take something from girls because it is distracting to guys. cape cod is like the middle east. the new dress code seems sexist considering what their teacher wears to school every day. that s actually joe devito. thanks for sending us the pic,
did we say right wing in our story intro? i believe so, yeah. you really caught me there, an thon nee. anthony. the fact you were representing a gawker story was a clue. it depends on where you get your info. who knows if it is even selling. it could be a conspiracy. they sell a lot on these sites. if you sell a thousand t-shirts, you make a dollar. it is like having a million views on youtube. you will get a solid $5 check. i have my iraq terrorist cards. remember the deck of cards? i have that. i play drinking games with those. this was the u.s. government and we were nailing guys, right? trying to get all of the people in the deck of cards. go america. are they all dead? let s hope we got them all. go bush. the jack of iraq. did trump get kareemed? kareem abdul jabar wrote a piece attacking donald donald trump for among other things having a vendetta.