The Uttar Pradesh Police has booked over 800 people, arrested 18 and detained as many for questioning in connection with rioting and violence in Kanpur, officials said on Saturday.
Kanpur/Lucknow, June 4 (PTI): The Uttar Pradesh Police has booked over 800 people, arrested 24 and detained 12 for questioning in connection with rioting and violence in Kanpur, officials said on Saturday. Kanpur Police Commissioner V S Meena said the accused will be booked under the stringent National Security Act and the Gangster Act while the possible role of groups like Popular Front of India (PFI) and others is being looked into. Properties of those involved in the violence will be seized or demolished, said Additional Director General (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar. “We have identified 36 people who were involved in the violence with help of CCTV footage and other video recordings of the incidents. A total of 24 people have been arrested so far of which 18 were held on Friday,” the Kanpur police commissioner said. Among those arrested is Hayat Zafar Hashmi, the chief of Maulana Mohammed Ali (MMA) Jauhar Fans Association which is a local social group. Hashmi, who is su
Additional Commissioner of Police (Law and order) Anand Prakash Tiwari said 18 people have been arrested so far over the Friday incident, and some others are detained for questioning.