Sat, 07/10/2021 - 12:00
Speakers and panelists at two webinars on ethical and inclusive communication on small-scale fisheries discussed ways to lift up positive and accurate narratives to support thriving fisheries for food and nutrition security
For thousands of years, Arctic communities like the Inuits and Chukchi have hunted seals and whales a food source and vital part of their culture and society.
They are the first and foremost caretakers of good and ethical relations with these animals.
“These communities have an incredibly long engagement with the ocean, and sometimes 10,000 years of uninterrupted knowledge,” said Tero Munsten, President, SnowChange Cooperative, who is also an ice fisher in Finland.
Dec 17, 2020
Fultec Systems Harvesting Vervain and Lemon Grass for Public Consumption
Since Monday, Fultec Systems Limited has been giving away free packets containing vervain and lemon grass. The packets are boiled and then you drink it as you would a tea. It is said that the tea helps with several of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 and so today, we found residents taking advantage of the offer, while supplies last. News Five’s Duane Moody went to find out more.
Duane Moody, Reporting
It contains about two hundred and fifty species of annual and perennial herbaceous or semi-woody flowering plants and is found in the wild, but vervain, as it is known, is a slender plant with small, pale lilac flowers borne on leafless spikes. It is used traditionally by herbalists to treat jaundice, gout, kidney stones, headache, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. A search online says that vervain is also considered an astringent, bitter digestive tonic, and a diuretic. Mo