The Muskingum Garden Club met via Zoom. LaTrelle Ellis called the meeting to order. She read the inspiration for Jenny Ellis “Whispers of Gods’ Love for Women” based on Psalm 39 verses 13-14. She asked the attendees for suggestions for future activities for the Club. Many suggestions were to implement the past years’ trips which we were not able to pursue due to the pandemic as well as visit to Lilly Far.
Secretary’s Report was postponed until next meeting. Nadine Kasick gave the Treasurer’s Report; it was approved as presented. It was suggested that hydrangeas in our city flower bed need to be cut back. LaTrelle will contact members. Variety of Garden hints were offered such as cutting back bi-annuals which produce blooms on new growth in the summer, such as butterfly bushes, hydrangeas and many other flowering bushes as well as decorative grasses and evergreens.