dan, i mentioned you worked for president obama also in florida politics a crucial state. is trump third party candidacy is that hillary clinton s dream scenario. we have the abc washington post numbers that show she would have a huge victory under the scenario. wouldn t be good for the republican party. he knows it. this is political hostage taking. trying to send a message to the republicans to treat him well. and it you only have to be a marginal player in the general election to make a difference. speaking of florida in 2000. the 96,000 votes ralph nader won in the state. ask al gore about those whether there were 537 likely gore voters in there if nader hadn t been on the ballot. trump wouldn t have to move the needle much to make a real difference in an outcome. and third party candidates don t get elected president of the united states. raises the question if he were to go that route if he was serious about, further raises the question if he is seriously running for presid