Sivaangi Krishnakumar is a true blue celebrity in Tamil Nadu, with a massive fan following. She kickstarted her journey in the entertainment industry as a singer in a reality show called Super Singer in Vijay TV and then appeared in the comical cookery show, Cooku With Komali for the same TV channel, which took her popularity to soaring heights.
Shivani Narayanan is one of the most popular faces for fans of Tamil television shows. She started her career in acting by statting in TV shows and shot to huge fame after her participation in the fourth season of Tamil Bigg Boss. Though she was one of the strongest contestants of the season, she was widely criticized for her relationship with a fellow contestant, Balaji.
It is now official! Dance choreographer-actor-director Prabhu Deva has choreographed a song for comedian Vadivelu in his comeback film, 'Naai Sekar Returns