On the set of Africanews, Pascal Affi N Guessan, former Prime Minister of Côte d Ivoire and President of the Ivorian Popular Front talks about the current situation and future challenges of his party, at the dawn of the birth of the movement of Laurent Gbagbo.
Farmers in northern Côte d’Ivoire are full of praise for cashew, the Brazilian nut tree introduced in the 1960s – ironically, it turns out – to combat deforestation. They rhapsodize about its ease of production compared to cotton, that although still grown, once formed the heart of the rural economy. And they love the development […]
SAINT-LOUIS (SENEGAL) - In the northern Senegalese city of Saint-Louis, excavators are ripping up the beach to lay giant blocks of basalt, in an eleventh-hour effort to keep the sea at bay.
SAINT-LOUIS (Senegal), Oct 4 In the northern Senegalese city of Saint-Louis, excavators are ripping up the beach to lay giant blocks of basalt, in an eleventh-hour effort to keep the sea at bay. When work is finished, a black sea wall will stretch for kilometres along the coastline of the West.