Karnataka ADGP Alok Kumar Monday said that the accused Sharik in the Mangaluru auto-rickshaw explosion case, has been earlier involved in cases under UAPA and was on the run.
Karnataka ADGP Alok Kumar stated on Monday that the accused Sharik in the Mangaluru auto-rickshaw explosion case had previously been implicated in UAPA cases and was on the run. The chief officer went on to say that the accused had ties to a terrorist organisation with a global footprint.
Karnataka, Nov 21: Karnataka ADGP Alok Kumar Monday said that the accused Sharik in the Mangaluru auto-rickshaw explosion case, has been earlier involved in cases under UAPA and was on the run. The top cop further said that the accused had links with a terrorist organisation which is having a global presence. “We can say that the accused acts have been inspired and influenced by some terrorist organisation which is having a global presence. So, it is due to that,” […]
Garbage truck used to carry Covid-19 patients in Andhra Pradesh
As the nation is already struggling to cope with the deadly second wave of COVID-19, citizens are urged to follow COVID appropriate behavior and maintaining good hygiene is a crucial part of that. With the use of face masks, gloves, PPE kits on the rise, disposing of the waste has to be done with extreme care. But some people are still ill-mannered when it comes to disposing of garbage and proof of that went viral on social media on Saturday.
A video, which was recorded by an environmentalist, went viral on social media for all the wrong reasons. The video shows a high-end sedan pull over on the bridge across the Nethravati river in Mangaluru and two women get off only to throw garbage into the river, which is not only considered sacred but serves as a lifeline to the people of Dakshina Kannada.