Details about Muslim burial rites, step by step
I have been asked by a few of my Christian brethren about our Muslim burial rites, more so with the demise of our elder Mzee Yusuf Haji.
Firstly we rarely transport a body. You get buried where you passed away. You must be wondering Garissa would have been ideal burial place for him being a public figure. For us your burial is where maut or death will find you.
Our burials timings is mainly dictated by prayers times, remember we pray 5 times a day
Fajr. 5am or so
Isha 8pm
Most of the burial prayers would coincide with the 1pm or 4pm prayers for various reasons ranging eg to allow immediate family like children to arrive etc. We try and avoid evening or nighttime burial unless it is case of accident and departed pught to be laid to rest as quickly as possible.