reporter: dr. margot kershel was commissioned to find out who is homeless in california and why. her survey has busted some myths. myth one, most homeless people don t want a home. not true. participants overwhelming wanted permanent housing. take daniel and his disabled son who live on skid row. you would take it if they offered you housing? yes, i would. together, yes. reporter: myth two, many homeless people here aren t from california. therefore the state owes them nothing. nine out of ten people lost their stable housing here. these are californians. we have to create housing for all californians. reporter: there is a state plan to build 2.5 million more homes by 2030, a million among them must be affordable. when it comes to housing, zoning is ultimately down to local
3 Busted Toyota Prius Myths Haters Wish Were True
The Toyota Prius solved the cars cause global warming problem over two decades ago. Here are three common Prius myths that everyone from EVangelists to coal-rollers wish were really true.
Over two decades ago, the Toyota Prius solved the problem of passenger cars causing global warming. Generation after generation the Prius line evolved until its Prime trim MPGe was an amazing 113 MPGe. That s better than the all-new battery-electric Ford Mustang Mach-E just launched this week. Many Prius haters feel the need to make negative claims about the Prius in order to punish that success in a way. Here are the top three Prius myths and why these myths are long-busted.
is only giving you spf of 25 or 15, that means you may burn more quickly than you think you would. reporter: consumer reports also claiming to debunk what it calls common myths about sunscreen. myth number one that kids need a special formula. consumer reports says manufacturers often use the same active ingredients in the same concentration for kids sun screen and other sunscreens. myth two, that spray sunscreens provide the best coverage. consumer reports says sprays are effective if used correctly but also note it is difficult to judge how much spray you are using and where, which can lead to less coverage and they say there are risks as seen in this you tube demonstration. they can be flammable. so you shouldn t apply them or use them if you are going to be anywhere near a grill or any other source of flame. reporter: of course there is something consumer reports does not dispute, that forgoing sunscreen all together is the
claimed the titanic was unsinkable. so this is the ship they say is unsinkable. every britisher is proud of the unsinkable titanic. it s repeated in every film but nobody claimed it was unsinkable until after it sank. filmmakers were sort of taking poetic license with the story from the get-go really. reporter: myth two the owner of titanic pushed the captain to go faster. i want to marvel at her speed. reporter: no evidence that ever happened but it makes a good story. every good story has to have a villain. reporter: myth number three. the band went down with the ship playing the hymn nearer my god to thee. the band did go down with the ship but most likely it was playing something upbeat. like in the 1929 film atlantic.