Shop owners in the Ayeyarwady Region said that the Military Council is forcing them to sell the Aung Bar Lay lottery and a variety of alcoholic beverages, including Myanmar beer, all of which are produced by their joint venture companies. Due to pressure and threats, various alcoholic drinks, including Myanmar beer produced by the Military Council, must be sold in hotels,
Growing Number of Businesses Shun Myanmar Military-Linked Goods, Services
Anti-coup protesters hold a placard reading “Don’t buy goods produced by the military” to show their stand against the military regime in Yangon. / Don’t Buy it / Facebook
By Nan Lwin 25 February 2021
YANGON More and more businesses in major cities are joining “social punishment” campaigns launched by young anti-coup protesters to bring down Myanmar’s military regime leaders, including boycotts of military-linked products and calls for shops to refuse to sell food and other goods to the security forces.
In the latest such campaign, shops including roadside vendors are refusing to sell goods to the police and military personnel, and their family members. It is intended to demonstrate their opposition to not only the military regime, but also the security forces involved in cracking down on anti-coup protesters.