Shares of MYT Netherlands Parent B.V. (NYSE:MYTE - Get Rating) have been assigned a consensus recommendation of "Moderate Buy" from the seven analysts that are presently covering the firm, Marketbeat reports. One research analyst has rated the stock with a hold recommendation and four have given a
MYT Netherlands Parent B.V. (NYSE:MYTE - Get Rating) saw a significant drop in short interest in December. As of December 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,040,000 shares, a drop of 8.0% from the November 30th total of 1,130,000 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 88,800 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 11.7 days.
MYT Netherlands Parent B.V. (NYSE:MYTE - Get Rating) has been given an average rating of "Moderate Buy" by the seven research firms that are currently covering the firm, Marketbeat Ratings reports. One analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating and four have issued a buy rating on the compan
Shares of MYT Netherlands Parent B.V. (NYSE:MYTE - Get Rating) have been given a consensus rating of "Moderate Buy" by the seven research firms that are currently covering the company, Marketbeat reports. One analyst has rated the stock with a hold recommendation and four have given a buy recommen
MYT Netherlands Parent B.V. (NYSE:MYTE) will be releasing earnings before the market opens on Tuesday, November 8, Zacks reports. (Register for Conference Call at