“The borders of the Hungarian State do not coincide with the borders of the Hungarian Nation” – said state secretary Potápi at the “Diaspora Policies in the 21st Century” conference.
Waterbury awarded Fulbright to study Hungary and ethnic identity in the European neighborhood Published: May 11, 2021 Author: Staff reports Robin Hecker/Ohio University Dr. Myra Waterbury (right) leads a seminar in comparative politics in 2015.
Dr. Myra Waterbury was recently named a Fulbright Scholar and will be headed to Budapest in the spring of 2022 to conduct research on Hungary s disparate populations.
Waterbury, professor of political science at Ohio University, said that Hungary can be understood as existing in a state of divided nationhood in which the government must navigate a long-standing commitment to kin-minorities communities of ethnic kin living as national minorities in neighboring countries as well as manage its relationship to diaspora communities generated by earlier waves of emigration and to communities of more recent emigrants within the European Union.