The injured are 12 children and 10 workers the police hospitalized 25 people, a 12yearold girl is in a serious condition, she was sent to a hospital in the capital, the occupiers hit the drama theater , it was probably a ballistic missile, the Central Square of the city was damaged due to the russian attack, the city announced a threeday mourning period, all bodies are working , a headquarters for the liquidation of the consequences has been created and, accordingly, in the near future all the houses will be restored and in the near future all the necessary assistance will be provided , including material assistance to the persons who suffered from it, the injector was with us in road transport, they went through the pedestrian crossing, they came from three churches, where they consecrated the fruits, respectively, and i think that this event, which was held in this cultural center, should be clearly defined. This case has been analyzed. What happened around this event has been analyz
Another suspicion the state Investigation Bureau accuses the former peoples deputy of public calls for an aggressive war and seizure of power in ukraine, according to the investigation, kiva has repeatedly expressed anti ukrainian sentiments in his social networks, as well as on the broadcasts of russian tv channels. Earlier, he was already suspected of treason. Currently , the former official is hiding from Law Enforcement officers in an erection when they did not want to make extra money in the war, the Security Service exposed entrepreneurs who supplied defective artillery mines, private organizations concluded a contract with by the ministry of defense in the amount of almost 270 million hryvnias before the start of a fullscale invasion, the perpetrators delivered only part of the ammunition, but after the tests it turned out that the gunpowder was of poor quality, and therefore the mines could not be used for combat tasks , the batch was returned to correct the shortcomings, howev
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Rudenko, from now on in a new twohour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express own opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 at espresso. We continue. Of the war and we were joined by the spokesman of the operationalstrategic grouping of the khortyts troops, Lieutenant Colonel nazar voloshyn. Greetings, mr. Nazar. Good evening, studio, good evening to the audience, glory to ukraine. Glory to heroes. Mr. Nazar, lets clarify for us right away about the time gap, because yesterday there were already screams, panic, they entered, broke through somewhere, somewhere in the city, after all, where did they break through, did they not break through, explain. What is happening and where the fighting is actually going on as far as yo
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