Many people look forward to the big day graduation. But things are going to be different this year, especially for the seniors in the Troy and Southfield public school districts.
What will it take for Michigan to reach herd immunity? Here s what public health leaders are saying
What will it take for Michigan to reach herd immunity? Here s what public health leaders are saying
Posted at 6:18 AM, Apr 28, 2021
and last updated 2021-04-28 06:59:05-04
(WXYZ) â Since the rollout of the vaccine this winter, Michigan has been eyeing one very important number: 70 percent.
That s what public health leaders say we need to reach that sought-after herd immunity, meaning the bulk of us are immune from the virus. So far, 35 percent of Michiganders 16 and older are fully vaccinated, compared to 29 percent of the entire country.