According to the Kalay People’s Defence Force (PDF) the Myanmar junta has been getting arms from India and transporting them from the border through Sagaing Region.
According to the Kalay People’s Defence Force (PDF) the Myanmar junta has been getting arms from India and transporting them from the border through Sagaing Region.
The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) gave control of Karenni State’s Daw Ngan Kha Village, in Demoso Township when airstrikes and rocket attacks on the village by the Military Council forced them to retreat on 13 March, according to a KNDF officer.
The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) gave control of Karenni State’s Daw Ngan Kha Village, in Demoso Township when airstrikes and rocket attacks on the village by the Military Council forced them to retreat on 13 March, according to a KNDF officer.